On February 7th, 2015 Lamia was invited to speak in a panel on the theme of “Morocco’s Immaterial Capital: Challenges and Opportunities”.
She emphasized that even if Morocco is rich in terms of immaterial assets (human, cultural, historical…), Morocco’s immaterial wealth is above all a potential. This potential still has to be determined, valorized, and developed in order to transform into an effective engine for inclusive growth and development. She mentioned the example of South Korea as a country that, despite limited endowment in natural resources, relied on both its human capital (education) and its social capital (values) to take off.
Furthermore, she proposed a series of measures among which a participatory approach directly engaging and enabling local people to own their immaterial capital, acknowledge it and design strategies to employ it.
The event was organized by the Association of OCP managers (ACO)
The Panel was moderated by Faycal Tadlaoui and composed of: Jean Pierre Chauffour (World Bank Lead Economist of MENA Region); Tawfik Mouline (General Director of the Royal Institute of Strategic Studies); MM. Karim El Aynaoui (Advisor of the CEO of OCP and General Director of OCP Policy Center); Mohamed Soual (Chief Economist et advisor of the CEO of OCP); Ahmed Abbadi (Président of the League Mohammedia of Oulémas).