Lamia Bazir, the President of the Al Akhawayn Alumni Association has delivered an inspirational speech at the 19th Commencement of Al Akhawayn University (AUI) on June 11th.
In her speech, Lamia Bazir sent a strong message about the true meaning of leadership, asserting that it goes beyond titles and positions. She urged graduates to not get absorbed by the pursuit of titles and hierarchies, but rather to concentrate on the quality of their work.
Hence, she invited the crowd to get back to the source, to get back to the start, whenever it gets lost.
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This speech was initially shared on facebook recording more than 20 000 views.
In addition to the graduates of Class 2016, This event was attended by prominent figures of the board of trustees of AUI such as H.E. Mr. André AZOULAY, Advisor to His Majesty the King; Mr. Abdellatif JOUAHRI Governor of Bank Al Maghrib, Mrs. Amina BENKHADRA DG of the National Bureau of Petroleum and Mines, Mr. Mohamed KETTANI CEO of Attijariwafa Bank, Mr. Tariq SIJILMASSI President of the Directorate of Crédit Agricole du Maroc (CAM), Mr. Abdellatif GUERRAOUI CEO of Auto-Hall Group, Mr. Ali FASSI FIHRI Director General of Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable (ONEEP), Ms. Miriem BENSALAH CHAQROUN Administrator of Holmarcom Group President of the Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM), Mr. Mohamed BERRADA Professor and Former Minister of Finance, Mr. Larbi BELARBI Former Vice President of Renault Maroc Services, and Representatives of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Industry, and Higher Education.